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Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Review Of Primal Force ' s Health Supplement Products

A Review Of Primal Force ' s Health Supplement Products

Dr. Sears is a South Florida physician has worked with over 18, 000 clients. His line of nutritional supplements allows people from all over the world to be able to find the same products he suggests to his own clients. For more than 10 years, he has spent copious hours beat through different countries conducting research and blending in sync formulations from natural components to combine the best of fashionable western medicine with nutrition and exercising. This has resulted in the formation of revolutionary remedies for his popular line of natural nutritional supplements.

Dr. Sears is a graduate of University of South Florida ' s College of Medicine with honors in Internal Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Right Medicine. Moreover, his inspiring credentials enclose being one of the first to be board certified in the ground - breaking discipline of Anti - Aging Medicine. He is also a atom of the American Academy of Anti - Aging Medicine. He is the founder of The Wellness Research Foundation, which is a non - profit assembling that works hard to develop health research and education. In addition, he is on the international panel of experts associated with the Health Sciences Institute, a esteemed international information service for integrative health care. Also, he has lectured courses in model, human physiology and nutrition at Barry University.

Not vigorous, Dr. Sears is profitable for his greatest credentials that entail being fast food - notable as a clinical nutrition specialized and a meed of the American College of Sports Medicine ( ACSM ), the American College for the Evolution in Medicine ( ACAM ), the American Medical Gathering ( AMA ), the Southern Medical Body ( SMA ), the American Academy of Anti - Aging Medicine ( A4M ) and the Herb Research Foundation ( HRF ).

If that weren ' t enough, Dr. Sears has well-known many books and studies on health and wellness, including his first book, The 21st Century Men ' s Guide to Prostate Health, offering answers to a common problem among men. In addendum, his book, The Doctor ' s Heart Cure, gamy out to be a best - seller for becoming a proven program for successfully reversing heart disease and condominium a healthier heart.

Dr. Al Sears MD and his collection of natural health supplements are helping men and women around the world live a better life, naturally. His products insert natural health supplements for developing energy, reducing cholesterol, improving sex drive and other common everyday challenges for both women and men.

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