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Friday, December 13, 2013

A Natural Cure For Cataract

A Natural Cure For Cataract

A woman in her overdue fifties was prelude to establish cataracts. Stunted clouds were forming in the lenses of her eyes. Eye specialists told her that this was a sign of senescent age, and that the lenses would have to be surgically replaced by talented ones after the cataracts were ripe in about a present.
But the woman decided to consult a teacher of the Bates Method instead, to espy if this natural method could help. After several weeks of eye training lady went back to her eye technical for a check - up. The doctor could find no trace of cataract and wondered how he could have arrived at his earlier diagnosis. When sis told him about the Bates training, he snapped: Inanity! Cataracts never disappear!
This is an case history of what happens to the millions of people who have practiced the method of doctor Bates, a New York eye technical who also taught at several universities. It gets results with cataracts and most other types of hard up eyesight. It helps you to recognize better at any age. It will work even if your parents unpersevering glasses, or if you have tired-out glasses or lenses for years. Find out more at www. seeingwithoutglasses. com.
When eye doctors are confronted with the successes of the Bates Method and their own inability to help, they often claim that the eyes would have gotten better anyway, which they call a spontaneous remission. But the curious gospel remains that such remissions befall rarely ever without the Bates Method.
Optical professionals know little or nonentity about prevention or natural ways of improving the eyes!
The multi - billion dollar optical industry wants you to have impecunious perception seeing this increases sales!
The best way to get practical self - help advice is through a good book or by consulting a Bates instructor. Distinguish www. seeingwithoutglasses. com for details.

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